As we awaits the 23rd and 24th Student Union Election day, here are few tips that I would love send out to all Students of Njala University, Sierra Leone. For far too long the University administration and the previous led government of the country seized the opportunity of students not having an SU body and the affairs of students where led by selected few from student voluntary groups on various campuses and this was against the will and choice of thousands of students. Today, the new management of the University has taken the mantle to reconsider the ban for student activities (SU groups) on campus and has decided to bring back the lost glory by conducting a student union election this August on both campuses (Njala and Bo). We just hope the elections will be free and fear without any administrative interference that will jeopardize the peaceful process.
Notwithstanding, every legal and registered student of the university has a right to vote and be voted for (as per requisite criteria) and none shall be deprived of such exercise. Your voice can be represented via your vote! So vote at freewill and for the right candidate for proper, transparent and accountable representation.
Why Should I Vote?
Here are the top 5 reasons to cast your vote in this year’s SU Elections:
1. It will affect your student experience
behalf for the whole year. This means that it’s important you
choose a candidate who wants to change and improve things that will
affect you as each candidate will have different ideas about what they
want to change.
2. The SU Officers and all student leaders work hard to make
improvements for the students at NU
SU Officers are influential in ensuring that you and your opinions are represented to the University.
This helps to ensure that the changes that you want to see are made. They also work hard to campaign
for things that will improve the lives of students, and demonstrate passion and enthusiasm
throughout. Voting can help your candidates pursue their goals to achieve all of this.
3. You have your say
Even if your preferred candidate does not win, having your say in how you want things to be run is
very important. It is a small, but significant way to lead changes within the University.
4. Ensures that Njala University SU is a fair and democratic student body
The more students who vote in SU elections, the more certain we can be that the officers have been
elected in a democratic way. This means that we know that as many students as possible are happy
with their new officers, and it will mean that the Officers will have more support behind them when
they represent you.
5. Your vote can decide the result
Every candidate works very hard to secure the votes of as many people as possible. Usually the result
is very close, so every single vote counts.
Why are they important?
Students' Union elections are important because it is vital that you have the chance to vote for, the
candidate you feel mirrors your views and will be committed to working hard for you and the student
During the Students' Union elections, each candidate will produce a written manifesto (this will be
live to read on the SU website), this will outline what they would aim to achieve if elected into their
chosen position.
Once elected, all representative will be supported by the Students Union staff team to achieve as
many thing they have promised on their manifesto as possible.
By: Abubakarr Jalloh
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Why are they important?
Students' Union elections are importa
Why are they important?
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